Monday, December 6, 2010


Tomorrow is my birthday. As a side note, it is also my father's birthday. And Pearl Harbor Day.  But, most importantly, it's my birthday. 

I won't be that old.  But I feel like I'm old.  Who wouldn't when the only thing in your household that is older than you is the house? No, nothing special planned.  I am taking a vacation day (without the kids....whoa....) and plan on cleaning my house.  I know.  Boring.

The gift that I may give myself is a list of accomplishments that I'd like to achieve.  Not unlike a New Year's Resolution list, but this has nothing to do with losing weight or stopping some bad habit.  I merely want to be comfortable with who I am.  I want to make more friends and have a girls' night out.  I'd like to know what it feels like to be reckless with a small amount of caution.  I want to be comfortable in my own body.  I want to be passionate about my husband and with my husband.  I want to be sexy, like, inner vixen sexy.  (note to self: need more black lace underwear) I want to work harder at my work and I want to focus on my children when I'm home.  I'd like to never have to mix the two.

A proper list will be added later, but for now, that's good enough.

I also want to learn how to take 2 minute showers so I don't have to wake up so damn early in the morning.

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