Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Random Tuesday Thoughts (RTT)

Today is most certainly a random day and thus, a good day to voice whatever the hell is rampaging in my noggin. 

I recently read an article posted by Beta Dad who posted on Daddy Dialectic about parenting.  In particular, about why parents hate parenting, although Beta Dad proposed a new title as Why Working Parents Hate Life.  I am most certainly sure that I do not hate life, but I can pretty much type anything I want about my life and you pretty much have to believe it, pretty much.  'Cause you don't know me, fool! 

What I do hate is coming home from working nine hours a day, fixing dinner, unloading the dishwasher, laundry, playing with the kids, bedtime snacks, bath and then waking up three to four times a night and going back to work at 6:30 the next morning.  So, the perpetual exhaustion might be a key factor in this 'hating of my life'.  It's not the kids.  They aren't a burden to me.  My life before children was boring and unstructured. 

I love having them to myself on the weekends, but I love it even more if I don't do housework.  That seems to be the kicker.  On top of having to take care of my extremely energetic children, I also have the burden of dishes, the stupid floor that constantly needs to be swept and wet swiffered, the whole flippin' house to clean, the ginormous pile of clothes that need to be put on hangers and in drawers, etc etc etc.  I am wondering if it will be possible for me to somehow decorate my house, but no one is coming in it anyway because of embarrassment.  But, hey!  If no one is coming over, then fuck housework!  Ha! Problem solved.

I would like to write a note to my congressman and to the dead Ben Franklin about daylight savings time.  It is quite obvious that Mr. Franklin did not play a fatherly role in any of the 50 or so illegitimate children that he sprung from his loins or he wouldn't have come up with daylight savings time.  My kids get up at the same time that I do when I'm getting ready for work.  At 5:45 a.m.  And they go to bed earlier, so we have to leave early from whereever we are so that they don't undergo a complete meltdown.  Well, Xander at least.  He is just ridiculous if he isn't kept on a strict schedule. Lilly is like, whatevz.

Snickers.  Reese's.  Alex bought Halloween candy on his day off.  Crap, now I have to eat it all.  Oh, man.  So sad!

I'm making the turkey for Thanksgiving this year!  Mom is having surgery and my aunt is depressed, so it falls on the oldest granddaughter that can actually cook.  All of the other granddaughters are either in the Army or not willing to take any responsibility that may come their way.  I know that it will fall on me when Mom dies to keep the family together.  Or I just won't and then it'll make my life easier.  Whoo!  Come on, you know I won't be able to do that.  I have oldest child syndrome and therefore too much guilt to consider following through with anything mildly heinous. 

Guilt.  Yuck.


  1. I was thinking the same thing about writing to a congressman about daylight savings time and pointing out they must not do much of the child rearing or they would put a stop to this shit. If Arizona and Hawaii don't have to do it why do we? I couldn't figure out who the right congressman tow write to would be though, lucky for them.

  2. @Wife and Mom - Especially since it was election year for the House and Senate. I don't even know when the outgoing is gone or the ingoing is in. They did a study in Indiana when they switched from not doing Daylight Savings Time to doing it about energy consumption. (Apparently that's the reason that we do it besides the original purpose to preserve daylight for farmers or whatevz.) Guess what they found? No difference! So, we are pretty much doing it because it's what we're used to doing.
