Random Thoughts. I think that I might be pretty good at this.
I'm having a tubing issue at work. I finally fix this critical instrument, and apparently, the Horiba Ghost broke it over the weekend. Gaah! I have switched the tubing with new, exhausted all of the permutations for tubing combinations and am ready to pull my hair out. The lady at work that really needs some data says, "Must be a hole in the tubing."
Me: You think so? After I just switched all of the tubing twice? Maybe I took a needle and poked it through all of the tubing. Maybe I need to use that same needle to poke my fucking eyes out.
I didn't really say that, but my rage inside of my head did. Bad rage!
You know what my mom says a lot that just ticks me off? 'But anyway...' and she uses the dot dot dot things a lot...like more than...is...nece...ssa...r...y. Yeah, that bad. Seriously! Drives me insane! Who does that kind of stuff? My weird-o mom, of course.
I have finally figured out how to make Lilly nurse longer. I wrap her up in this satin and chenille blanket that I made and she just wants to suckle til the cows come home. There is a possibility that my child will live in that blanket if this continues to work. She also does the cutest thing when she sees the blanket. She does the gimme gimme thing with her hands (clench, unclench fists) and as soon as it gets near her, the thumb automatically pops into her mouth! Adorable! My sister (a perpetual thumb sucker since the womb) just thinks this is the most awesome thing in the world. As cute as it is now, it will cost me a fortune in braces when she goes through her most awkward stage in middle school. I will just have to get her glasses at the same time. Maybe she'll get her period, too. Carbon copy: Momma. Sorry, babe. I've learned that it's hereditary.
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